Hory a mesto / Mountains and City 2024 - 24th Annual Festival of Mountain Film and Adventure, with the support of the Visegrad Fund Grant and in cooperation with the below Visegrad partners launches its V4 PROGRAM as part of the main Festival in Bratislava on April 9-13, 2024 and the Hory a mesto Tour around Slovakia for the remaining part of the 2024 calendar year.

Our Visegrad Partners include:

  1. Historie dobrodružství (CZ),www.historiedobrodruzstvi.cz
  2. Vertical Vision (PL),www.verticalvision.pl
  3. Hungarian Foundation for Experiential Learning,www.kettealapitvany.hu

The full program of the Festival in Bratislava will be launched in mid-March 2024, and the Visegrad part of the program will be updated here on this page.



The following people confirmed their participation at the Hory a mesto International Film Jury:
Alek Lwow (Poland, world-class mountaineer, publicist, photographer and filmmaker)
Ildikó Kandrács (Hungary, President of the Hungarian and Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Federation, climber, photographer and artist)
Ľudovít Hičár (Slovakia, filmmaker and cameraman)
Martin Krejsa (Czech Republic, Czech Visegrad Partner, writer, publicist, University professor and climber)
Natália Bokníková (Slovakia, film critic, journalist, previous Programming Director of Hory a mesto)



154 films from 28 countries, including many film from the V4 countries, have been submitted to the Festival and its film competition. The full festival program with the “finalists” has been already confirmed and publicized. The Jury will select the Grand Prize, and among other Awards also the V4 Award for the best film from the V4 countries.



The following V4 guest speakers and presenters have been confirmed for the Festival in Bratislava:

Pavol Barabáš (SK)
Tomáš Pilka (CZ)
Jana Švecová (CZ)
Tomaso Greksák (SK)
Alek Lwow (PL)
Luciša Hollá and Tomáš Andrássy (SK)
Marek Audy (CZ)
Gusto Stibrányi (SK)
Tomáš Petrík (SK)
Miroslav Meluš and Paulína Molčanová (SK)
Mikuláš Virág (SK)
Juraj Švingál and Marek Radovský (SK)
Michaela Izakovičová (SK)
Jakub Letovanec (SK)
Anna Maziuk (PL)
Michal Haring (SK)
Juraj Koreň (SK)
Patrik Hrotek (SK)



The Festival Photo Jury will award the Grand Prize, the Best V4 Photography, and other prizes.

Hory a mesto/Mountains and City 2024 is the 24th Annual Festival of mountain film and adventure. The Festival creates a platform for the cross-cultural exchange of ideas. It inspires, encourages positive values and lifestyle, and brings together outdoor and film communities from the V4 regions. It consists of screening of mountain and adventure films, live multimedia presentations and workshops.