
Alan Formánek
Festival and Programming Director
+17787072037 (CA), +421 910 672 359 (SK)

Ľubica Fenclová
Executive Director, Coordination of Film Competition and Film Subtitling, Tour
+421 949 626 870

Danica Púry
Sponsorship Manager, Photo Contest and Photo Exhibition Coordinator
+421 948 456 233

Martina Dekanová
Festival Educational Trail, School Screenings
+421 907 299 551

Association Hory a mesto
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Natália Ďurková
Members of the Board of Directors: Pavol Prepiak, Alan Formánek, Jana Šebeňová
Statutory representative: Miloslav Ivica
Controller of the association: Mária Škrabáková